Amiga Format CD 7
Amiga Format AFCD07 (Dec 1996, Issue 91).iso
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Text File
676 lines
; ************************************************
; *
; * $VER: Install-ATAPI PnP v1.01 (21.06.96)
; *
; * Installation for Atapi Package v 1.01
; *
; * Copyright © 1995 by Georg Campana
; *
; * ------- E N G L I S H SCRIPT --------
; *
; ************************************************
;/// Variabili
; ****************************
; Variabili
; ****************************
(set DemoVersion 1) ; Demo Version
(set ProductName "ATAPI PnP" ) ; product name
(set ProductBaseName "Atapi PnP") ; product base name
(set VersionNum "3.00") ; product version number
(set OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(set PctDone 0)
(set CPUOpts 0) ; 0=68000,68010; 1=68020,68030,68040
(makeassign "CDPLUSPLUS" "" (safe))
(set Disk1Name "CDPLUSPLUS:")
(set MemSpace 1024) ; 1K minimo di spazio necessario su disco
;/// Proc setPkgOPts
(procedure setPkgOpts
; ****************************
; * Wich Parts
; ****************************
(set PkgOpts
"Choose the tools you want to install from"
(" %s package" ProductName)
"Here you choose the parts (Modules) wich you"
(" want to install from the %s package.\n" ProductName)
"*** Atapi Device Driver\n"
"This to copy the important Device-driver"
" (cd.device ) in the directoy Devs: (Fundamental)\n"
"*** CDplusplusFS\n"
"With this option the special Filesystem will be"
"copied in the L: directory .\n"
"*** MAP-Mini Atapi Player\n"
"If you select this , the Mini Atapi Player (for"
"Audio Cs) will be copied in the directory Utilities.\n"
"*** TRKDownLoad Track-Downloader\n"
"With this option the program TRKDownload (for "
"Grabbing of CD Tracks) will be copied in Utilities.\n"
"*** PlayCDXL\n"
"Select this if you want to install PlayCDXL ( wich"
" play CDXL Files ) in Utilities .\n"
"*** CD_IDE\n"
"This is the preference program wich will be copied "
"in prefs. It allows you to set change some functions.\n"
; bit position 0 -- todo & 1
"Atapi Device Driver (21 Kbytes)"
; bit position 1 -- todo & 2
"CDplusplusFS - CD Filesystem (23 Kbytes)"
; bit position 2 -- todo & 4
"MAP- Mini Atapi Player (10 Kbytes)"
; bit position 3 -- todo & 8
"TRKDownLoad- Track DownLoader(28 Kbytes)"
; bit position 4 -- todo & 16
"PlayCDXL - Player Film CDXL (23 Kbytes)"
; bit position 5 -- todo & 32
"CD_IDE - Preference Program (8 Kbytes)"
;/// Proc setDirPath
(procedure setDirPath
; ****************************
; * Ask the user for a directory name.
; ****************************
; these variables must be defined before calling this procedure:
; DirPath
; this procedure returns the selected directory in DirPath
(set DirPath
(prompt ("Where you want to install the package\n (THE BOOT-Disk. Usually SYS: ) " )
(help "Atapi Plug'n Play will be installed in the choosed directory"
"If you want to install it on a floppy"
"then insert the floppy and choose it from the list"
(default "SYS:")
;/// Proc AskFsIcon
(procedure AskFsIcon
; This procedure ask of wich cd Icon you want to install with wich Name
; It requires initialization of variables:
; In "DefaultIcon" ci deve essere quella accesa di default
; Ridà in "IconChoose" qual icona
; 0 nessuna - 1 AmiCDFilesystem
; 2 AmiCDFS - 3 CDfilesystem - 4 - AsimCDFS - 5 CDplusplusFS
(set IconChoose
(prompt "Choose the CD-Filesystem you want to use,an Icon will be created")
"You can choose here your prefered CD-Filesystem"
" wich will be used with Atapi Plug'n Play.\n"
"If your prefered Filesystem is not present in the list"
" so choose -No kind- aus , and"
" change later the Tooltypes in"
" the Icon: (your CD0: icon)\n\n"
"and Unit:\n\nUnit=0\n\n"
"-No kind"
"-AmiCDFileSystem - by Nicola Salmoria"
"-cdrom-handler - by Frank Munkert"
"-CDFileSystem - by CBM Commodore"
"-AsimCDFS - by AsimWare"
"-QDriveFileSystem- by Amiga Tech."
"-CDplusplusFS - by CD++"
(default DefaultIcon)
;/// Proc GetDevName
; in DevName si ritrova il nome da usare per l'icona
(procedure GetDevName
(set DevName
(prompt "Write here the Name for the mounted CD-ROM drive without the semi-colon\nf.e. CD0")
"The choosed name will be the"
" name of the Device\n"
"It's a good idea to choose a short name"
"\nThe best is CD0 or CD1 etc."
" because many programs will search the"
" name\n"
(default "CD0")
;/// Proc AskAutoMount
(procedure AskAutoMount
; Chiede se l'icona deve essere inserita nel devs Dosdrivers o nel
; storage dosdrivers
(set AutoMount
(prompt "Do you want that that the drive will be started"
" automaticaly at each boot (Mount) ,"
" or manualy with a Mouseclick ?"
"If your answer is positiv then the icon"
" of the device will be coopied into:\n"
"Devs:Dosdrivers kopiert\n"
"On each computer start the Drive will start automaticaly\n\n"
"Otherwise it will be copied in: Storage:DosDrivers\n"
" and you have to click on the icon"
" to start the CD-Drive (Mount)"
"Automount on boot"
"No , manualy"
(default 1)
; *************************************************************************
; *
; * Ask all questions for the user now, do all of the work later.
; *************************************************************************
; ****************************
; Check for OS Version
; ****************************
(if (= DemoVersion 1)
(message "\n" "\n"
"WARNING: This is a Demo Version\n"
"of the Atapi PnP package!\n"
"(only complete) with exeption to the crakkers ;)" "\n"
"Atapi Plug'n Play is Copyright by \n"
"Georg Campana & Marco Campinoti ©1994\n\n"
"E-Mail: georg@etruscan.li.it\n"
(help "If you want to register yourself then read the Manual or call 0039/565/850621 an")
(message "\n" "\n"
"WARNING: This is a registered Version\n"
"of the Atapi PnP Package!\n"
"( Note The Files are signed !! )\n"
"Atapi Plug'n Play is Copyright by \n"
"Georg Campana & Marco Campinoti ©1994\n\n"
"E-Mail: georg@etruscan.li.it\n"
(help "If you want to register your friend call : ++39/565/850621" )
; ****************************
; ****************************
(set DirPath "SYS:")
(set @default-dest DirPath)
(set devdest (tackon @default-dest "Devs"))
(set fsdest (tackon @default-dest "L"))
(set utildest (tackon @default-dest "Utilities"))
(set prefdest (tackon @default-dest "Prefs"))
(set DefaultIcon 0)
(if (= (exists (tackon fsdest "AmiCDFileSystem")) 1)
(set DefaultIcon 1)
(if (= (exists (tackon fsdest "cdrom-handler")) 1)
(set DefaultIcon 2)
(if (= (exists (tackon fsdest "CDFileSystem")) 1)
(set DefaultIcon 3)
(if (= (exists (tackon fsdest "AsimCDFS")) 1)
(set DefaultIcon 4)
(if (= (exists (tackon fsdest "QDriveFileSystem")) 1)
(set DefaultIcon 5)
(if (= (exists (tackon fsdest "CDplusplusFS")) 1)
(set DefaultIcon 6)
(if (IN PkgOpts 1)
(set DefaultIcon 6)
(select IconChoose
(set FsName 0)
(set FsName "AmiCDFS")
(set FsName "AmiCDHandler")
(set FsName "CbmCDFS")
(set FsName "AsimCDFS")
(set FsName "QDriveFilesystem")
(set FsName "CDplusplusFS")
(set AutoMount 1)
(set DevName "CD0")
(if (> @user-level 1)
(if (<> IconChoose 0)
(if (= AutoMount 1)
(set Icondest (tackon @default-dest "Devs"))
(set Icondest (tackon @default-dest "Storage"))
(if (IN PkgOpts 0)
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 21000))
(if (IN PkgOpts 1)
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 23000))
(if (IN PkgOpts 2)
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 10000))
(if (IN PkgOpts 3)
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 28000))
(if (IN PkgOpts 4)
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 23000))
(if (IN PkgOpts 5)
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 8000))
(if (<> IconChoose )
(set MemSpace (+ MemSpace 1000))
(if (< (getdiskspace DirPath) MemSpace)
(if(> (getdiskspace DirPath) 0)
(abort "WARNING: The free memory on\n"
("the volume %s\n" DirPath)
("is only %ld bytes\n" (getdiskspace DirPath) )
("but you need at least %ld bytes\n" MemSpace)
"Try to restart the install-icon\n"
"and choose less Utilities , or\n"
"delete some Files from your\n"
("%s destination disk\n" DirPath)
; if bit position 0 is on Installa device
(if (IN PkgOpts 0)
(if (< (exists devdest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir devdest
(prompt "New Directory -Devs-")
(if (= DemoVersion 0)
(set newver (getversion (tackon Disk1Name "devs/cd.device")))
(set oldver (getversion (tackon devdest "cd.device")))
(if (= newver oldver)
(delete (tackon devdest "cd.device"))
(if (< OSVersion 39)
(prompt "Installing Device Driver")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "devs/cd_a600.device"))
(newname "cd.device")
(dest devdest)
(optional force)
(prompt "Installing Device Driver")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "devs/cd.device"))
(dest devdest)
(optional force)
; if bit position 1 is on Installa FileSystem
(if (IN PkgOpts 1)
(if (< (exists fsdest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir fsdest
(prompt "New Directory Verzeichnis -L-")
(prompt "Installing the CD++ FileSystem")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "l/CDplusplusFS"))
(dest fsdest)
(optional force)
; if bit position 2 is on Installa MAP
(if (IN PkgOpts 2)
(if (< (exists utildest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir utildest
(prompt "New Directory -Utilities-")
(prompt "Installing Mini Atapi Player")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "utilities/MAP"))
(dest utildest)
(optional force)
; if bit position 3 is on Installa TRKDownLoad
(if (IN PkgOpts 3)
(if (< (exists utildest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir utildest
(prompt "New Directory -Utilities-")
(prompt "Installing TrkDownLoader")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "utilities/TRKDownLoad"))
(dest utildest)
(optional force)
; if bit position 4 is on Installa PlayCDXL
(if (<> DemoVersion 2) ; NOTA messo a 2 che è diverso da 0 e 1
(if (IN PkgOpts 4)
(if (< (exists utildest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir utildest
(prompt "New Directory -Utilities-")
(prompt "Installing PlayCDXL")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "utilities/PlayCDXL"))
(dest utildest)
(optional force)
; if bit position 5 is on Installa CD_IDE
(if (IN PkgOpts 5)
(if (< (exists prefdest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir prefdest
(prompt "New Directory -Prefs-")
(prompt "Installing CD_IDE")
(source (tackon Disk1Name "prefs/CD_IDE"))
(dest prefdest)
(optional force)
(if (> IconChoose 0)
(if (< (exists Icondest (noreq)) 2)
(makedir Icondest
(prompt "New Directory Devs or Storage")
(set Icondest (tackon Icondest "Dosdrivers"))
(prompt "Installing Device-Icon")
(source (tackon Disk1Name (tackon "Devs/Storage" FsName)))
(dest IconDest)
(newname DevName)
(optional force)
(if (= AutoMount 1)
( message "\n" "\n"
"On each start of the computer the CD-Drive\n"
"will be automounted into the system\n"
"You can change this by moving the icon\n"
("%s from the directory" DevName)
"Devs/Dosdrivers into Storage/Dosdrivers\n"
( message "\n" "\n"
"You can Mount the CD-Drive by n"
("doubleclicking\on the Icon %s\n" DevName)
"in the directory Storage/Dosdrivers\n"
"If you want an Automount , then\n"
"move the Icon int the directory Devs/Dosdrivers"
( message "\n" "\n"
"There is no kind of icon for\n"
"your CD-ROM Drive .\n"
"You have to build it by yourself!\n"
"Or click another time on -Install-\n"
"and choose a CD-filesystem\n"